PT. Cyberplus Media Pratama is an internet service provider, based in Bekasi. Established since 2005, we are determined to provide quality yet affordable internet services for the community.  Legalized by law as an Internet Service Provider with license number 217/DIRJEN/2008 and as a regiestered member of APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association).

Well equipped with capable staff members, clear vision and mission,
Cyberplus grew significantly. Today Cyberplus already has a reliable infrastructure supported with redundant backbones to the internet using fiber optic technology, direct interconnection to the OIXP (Open Indonesia Internet Exchange) and also to the IIX (Indonesia Internet Exchange).

We are aiming to become one of the leading internet service provider company in building an internet based community to achieve quality yet affordable internet services.

Grow your business with CYBERPLUS. Let us become one of your support system to support your business.

Now available, we can also give other IT related services besides internet services; such as Network Solution and IT Solution Services.